I AM LOVE and so is everyONE on the planet. All is the same ONE, the ONE LOVE, the ONE LIFE BEing expressed in form.
About Asana
Asana is an International Teacher, Speaker & Intuitive Mentor. She has studied metaphysics and natural health for decades and holds many certifications. For the last 8 years focused on Ancient Eastern Wisdom. Her first awakening moments occurred during the reading of Autobiography of A Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda many years ago.
Intuitive Mentor
Asana’s greatest passion is assisting ONE’s who want to know their true nature and express the ONE LOVE that they are.
Asana presents Discourses at various events and places mostly in the Chicagoland Area but does travel to other states and countries.
Are you sensing there is more than what you are aware of? Are you ready to take the next step into your Conscious Awareness Remembrance?
Monthly Wisdom from Masters of India
Many guru’s and Yogi’s devoted their lives to discovering who they are. That question we all ask “Who Am I?” Some went up into the mountains to meditate and get away from worldly distractions. They came down when they Realized who they were and wanted to spread the word to others that they too could attain the Awareness of their own Divinity as we are all the same ONE LOVE.
You See, the Separation
The Truth Is, that We Never Left Source.
We are like the ocean; each drop of water makes up the whole ONE ocean. All are the same ONE LOVE as Brahman (God). All make up this ONE LOVE as God or whatever you call the Divine ONE.
LOVE is your True Nature as the ONE LIFE, the ONE LOVE.
Love is the natural state of all existence and experience, however, when seen through the veiled egoic mind, Separation, Multiplicity and Diversity is seen in all things.
Many religions agree that God is:
Omnipotent (All Power)
Omnipresence (All Presence)
Omniscient (All Knowing)
Even many scientists agree that there is only ONE energy that permeates everything, everywhere and is the essence of Life Force Energy, God.
Since this is Truth, there is Nothing/Anywhere at any time, that is NOT God! Since the ‘Separation Never Occurred’ God/Source Never Divided and all is ONE~ God! In Truth and Beyond the Illusion of a You/Me/We, all ONE Is and Always will Remain as God!
EveryONE and Everything is the Same ONE thing, an Energetic Vibrational Frequency. A point of localized Light, the Pure Awareness of the ONE LOVE, and seen through the REMEMBRANCE of the ONE SELF, the DIVINE ONE.
Some Genuine Words From My Clients
"I highly recommend this powerful workshop. She’s a treasure to encounter and a catalyst to your deepest journey within"
Stacy Rush
“Asana is such an amazing Teacher … her teachings are full of joy, information, and inspiration! I’ve loved all my classes from her ….. so lovely”
Heather Franklin
“You saved me 2 years in therapy by the way you walked me through Donna and Gayle. It has caused a cascade of letting go’s with other relationships that no longer serve me. Thanks for holding that space for me and hearing me out.”
Lisa Soni